
Rapid Reading

My latestest entry in the favorite slim book category is Rapid Problem Solving With Post-It Notes. While it […]

book day

Still mired in chapter 9, which is starting to be a damn encyclopedia of diagramming. And I haven’t […]

Frank O’Hara

Yesterday I walked into the wrong bookstore when I was looking for a book on PHP and right there in front of me was a collection of Frank O’Hara poems. It’s rare, trust me. He didn’t write much.

It opens with the wonderful Personism, a manifesto which has many extraordinary moments including this on writing

“You just go on your nerve. If someone’s chasing you down the street with a knife you just run, you don’t turn around and shout, “Give it up! I was a track star for Mineola Prep.” ”

which jibes with me.

Anyhow, I give you a poem from this book

Sorting it out

Finally got around to finishing Sorting Things Out (thanks Caltrain!) and I have mixed feelings. It is desperately […]


Killing the biggest myth of web design In which Derek eloquently pounds down the biggest web-myth of all.

write on!

A List Apart: How to Write a Better Weblog is actually “How to be a better writer.” And […]

Form follows content

Was updating my booklist, and came across this old letter that I had been given permission to post, […]

quote of the day

from the digital storytelling conference and festival “Good storytelling establishes a personal relationship between the storyteller and the […]

the power of narrative

Dying Scent of E-Mail Ad Campaign is the story of CK One’s email soap opera that enchanted thousands… […]

the excuse for skipping help

Don’t Shortchange the User With a Minimalist Approach to Writing User Instructions An interesting justification for longer and […]

Poetics of space

Those who deal with metadata, and trying to decide an item’s true place in a hierarchy might consider […]

write on the button

Structured Writing – An Outline is a lovely article on one of the most undervalued arts: writing. I […]

Designing Visual Interfaces

Michael B. Moore writes “A thin but very good primer on what makes good interfaces work. Even though […]

oh those swiss

Oh those delightful and decadent Swiss. Swiss Graphic Design is eye-candy on a high level. You become better […]

label lameness

For people who supposedly “passionate about language”, Ask Oxford sure did a poor job of labeling their sections. […]

A Taste of Usability

Large parts of Bringing Design to Software are available online. Have a taste of this seminal book, especially […]

Fresh Thought

Check out this new book from Curt Cloninger, Fresh Styles. An expansion of his terrific article Eyecandy from […]

words on words

Another fine source for gleaning: write the web some of their headlines: A new direction for weblogs: pornography […]

Marks of Excellence

Marks of Excellence is outstanding resource for anyone seeking to understand the language of logos. It’s huge, lavishly […]