
The News Business

Out of Print in The New Yorker

Three centuries after the appearance of Franklin’s Courant, it
no longer requires a dystopic imagination to wonder who will have the
dubious distinction of publishing America’s last genuine newspaper. Few
believe that newspapers in their current printed form will survive.
Newspaper companies are losing advertisers, readers, market value, and,
in some cases, their sense of mission at a pace that would have been
barely imaginable just four years ago. Bill Keller, the executive
editor of the Times, said recently in a speech in London, “At
places where editors and publishers gather, the mood these days is
funereal. Editors ask one another, ‘How are you?,’ in that sober tone
one employs with friends who have just emerged from rehab or a messy
divorce.” Keller’s speech appeared on the Web site of its sponsor, the Guardian, under the headline “NOT DEAD YET.”

Why We Lie

From The Financial Times, Seven categories of rot that appeal to big cheeses Last week, I came across […]

Tell Me a Story

Truth, naked and cold, had been turned away from every door in the village. Her nakedness frightened the […]

poetic spam

poeticspam, originally uploaded by Box and Arrow. prolonged effusion of small talk. How I wished sleep would silence […]

You Can’t Handle the Truth

From Google blogger slams Michael Moore’s Sicko Turner, writing in Google’s new Health Advertising Blog, which was officially […]

swimming metaphor

Sometimes you dive into a pool, and you are going down down down and it’s deep and you […]

write real good

I’ve been writng and editing a bit lately, and I have recalled three key concepts from my book […]

opposites are stupid

Rough Type: Nicholas Carr’s Blog: The amorality of Web 2.0 “I’m all for blogs and blogging. (I’m writing […]


Kerry has a plan, Bush has a strategy, I have a lingering sense of unease. This is an […]

useful style guide

This guide is based on the style book which is given to all journalists at The Economist.


I’m writing today. mouf mouf mouf. I forgot what a wrestling job it is. here I am: I […]


I love writing, excellent craftful writing. Often my favorite articles in New Yorker are on the most banal […]


Famous Quotes – Sir Winston Churchill “Writing a book is an adventure. To begin with, it is a […]

Speaking of having a voice…

Check out the opening of this newsletter from my ISP, Dreamhost. You can’t accuse them of not having a voice…

“0. Introduction.

I think every February newsletter I end up either talking about what a
short month it was and how it only makes sense that the newsletter is
going to be short, or else how it’s my birthday in four days, and my
birthday is the best.

This time I’m going with birthday.

My birthday is the best! It’s March fourth! Which is the only date
that’s a command! And it used to be the date of the U.S. presidential
inaugaration! And it’s a tricky birthday too because it sneaks up on
you because February is so short (now I’ve covered both topics!)..
always around February 25th or so I’m like “my birthday is in like two
weeks or something” and then one second later I’m all “I MEAN ONE!”

The other great thing about my birthday is PRESENTS. I can’t really
think of anything I want or need, but I know I’m sure as sure going to
take everything I can get! In fact, I think the theme for this
newsletter is going to be “presents for Josh”. This may just be the best
newsletter ever.

I would like to stress the purpose of this newsletter is to inform
Happy DreamHost customers about important DreamHost going ons.”

I’ll include the whole thing in the “more” section. Pretty funny. This may be why I keep forgiving them, despite the fact they break something or another almost every month (they do usually fix it again under 24 hours, which maybe the other reason)

eat me….

Compelling story, beautiful illustration, skilled writing, puzzling ending… well worth a read or four: Murder Mysteries

On the Art of Writing

from On the Art of Writing specifically from the section On Jargon. “Has a Minister to say “No” […]

read freely

This information wants to be free: The Online Books Page


I didn’t have this hard a time — Why Computer Books Suck — but it’s not far off.

Design of Sites

One of the books I used to dream of writing was “a pattern language for the web.” Well, […]

fact or fiction?

guess it’s a nng day today: reading Don Norman’s interviews I discovered “The article quotes me as saying: […]