
Out for Q1

Lucky me, I had a concussion in October and didn’t rest. Now I’m taking off Q1 to rest. […]

Still Here

I have some things I need to get off my chest. This is a ramble, but I’m in […]

Summer Reading

What if summer reading wasn’t trashy but fun, but wonderful reads that were wonderful all the way through? […]

After NaNoWriMo

If you’ve never heard the acronym Nanowrimo, it stands for National Novel Writing Month. Each November half a […]

Everybody Knows

Everybody knows that the dice are loaded Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed Everybody knows the war is […]

A Joy Project

Last spring, a class I was going to teach got cancelled because of a scheduling mixup. I got […]

Are you tired?

After coming home exhausted from a very social weekend, my coach the wonderful Andrea Corney asked me, what […]

It’s Not Easy Being She

tl;dr If you knew having a woman’s name would sink your sales, would you use a pen name?  Writing […]

How to Choose

I’m overwhelmed. You are probably overwhelmed also. The last week, it’s been my inbox. I’ve got so many […]

Breaking Point

I worked in restaurants for many years before I fell in love with the internet. If you wait […]

Sunday Report

I got a request to bring Sunday report back into play. It makes sense, since Gleanings, back when […]

My Year in Highlights

Here are this year’s highlights from my reading on the kindle. I find it interesting that I barely highlit […]

DO DO: A Productivity Game

I’ve been blocked for two days. I kept sitting down at the computer to work, then I’d get […]

Diversity Is Hard

The opening keynote was a woman, the closing keynote a black man.  In between there were 16 white […]

Heuristics for Living

If you don’t know what a heuristic is, it’s a short phrase that reminds you of a body […]

Living Lean

If I were to explain Lean Startup as briefly as I’m able, I’d say it’s an approach where […]