This week has mostly been about writing. I’m revising my book, and I needed a way to make […]
The Sunday Report
The Sunday Report
I’m going to try something new here, and round-up the cool stuff I found each week while doing […]
In 1923, Frank Lloyd Wright completed the Imperial Hotel, a building commissioned in Japan. In 1923, there was a 8.3 magnitude earthquake. The hotel survived.
Wright was a midwesterner like myself, and had no experience with Earthquakes. When he arrived in Japan, that lack of familiarity was his strength; he passionately researched earthquake damage, and designed his hotel with multiple safeguards.
Terms of Art for the Heart
A term of art is a word when used in a professional context has a very precise meaning. I’ve been reading a lot about game mechanics and theory, inspired by Amy Jo Kim’s terrific talk given recently at Linkedin. Right now I’m half-way through A Theory of Fun by Raph Kosterner. It’s an odd, rambling book, and most it is familiar to anyone who’s been doing interaction design for awhile. But I do notice that game designers talk about emotion much more than we do, and they are crafting new terms of art and taxonomies that could be useful to anyone doing interactive (and particularly social) design.
Twitpoll: do you Yammer?
Twitpoll: do you Yammer?, originally uploaded by Box and Arrow. small sample size…. but resonates.
My new baby.
My new baby., originally uploaded by Box and Arrow.
Context is King!
Nasty as they wanna be? Policing Except rules are tricky things with an operation like Flickr’s. The […]
anatomy of a leaderboard
anatomy of a leaderboard, originally uploaded by Box and Arrow.
Why community is hard
Community is hard, and so is pretty much all social stuff. But why is so darn hard? Why […]
Size Matters
early draft of a section from 2nd edition of blueprints We all would like to think there was […]
When tags work and when they don’t: Amazon and LibraryThing
Thingology (LibraryThing’s ideas blog): Both LibraryThing and Amazon allow users to tag books. But with a tiny fraction […]
A Pattern Language (for Social Media): Common Areas at the Heart
More rereading of Alexander: 129 Common Areas at the Heart Conflict No social group- whether a family, a […]
A Pattern Language: Degrees of Publicness
I picked up A Pattern Language again and I had a bookmark on this pattern 36. Degrees of […]
user participation is not always awesome expressions of freedom
user participation is not always awesome expressions of freedom, originally uploaded by Box and Arrow.
Size Matters
2008-05-05_1101, originally uploaded by Box and Arrow. One of the things I’ve been thinking about and watching for […]
Good Behavior and Good People
| View | Upload your own As of late, I’ve been extremely focused on how we motivate behavior […]
PARC Forum | January 10, 2008
Bernardo A. Huberman has been, so far, the most impressive speaking in a very impressive series. and, lucky […]
Notes from Andrew McAfee at Parc Forum
enterprise 2.0 old business processes/tools allow management impose their will on company enterprise 2.0 is the use of […]
Why user filtering is not censorship
Why user filtering is not censorship, originally uploaded by Box and Arrow. take a look… my god. […]
the virtual community free to all
howard rheingold’s the virtual community “When you think of a title for a book, you are forced to […]
What is Community Anyway?
We talk a lot about Social Networks, Social Software, etc as Web 2.0… as if using technology to […]
Community, Social Software, and Web 2.0
I gave a half-day workshop a month or so back, and I meant, I really meant, to write […]
Recordings up for Ross Mayfield’s “Made of People” from PARC Forum
They posted Ross’s terrific opening talk from Parc’s new series on Social Media and Web 2.0.: Made of […]
notes on Charlene Li At Parc Forum
I came in a tetch late, but trying to catch up…. when it’s archived, it’ll be here, probably […]
Sharecropping the long tail
via Rough Type To put it a different way, the sharecroppers operate happily in an attention economy while […]
Stumble Upon Parc Forum Talk Notes
Parc Forum is candy for those of us who own our own schedule, and this latest series is […]
Best Practices for Social Design: Annotating Google
Recently noted and annotated the new Google best practices. I followed his link and found a strange […]
Increasing Site and Social Engagement in Detail
David Shen has a terrific post on the motivators at work in social media design Over the last […]
Graphing Social: Facebook Fanboy panel
Facebook Fanboy panel: Pro vs Con – Michael Arrington TechCrunch (moderator), Robert Scoble, Jason Calacanis Mahalo, Rodney […]
Graphing Social: Funding panel
Funding Facebook Apps panel: Valuation & Metrics – Matt Marshall VentureBeat (moderator), Lee Lorenzen Altura Ventures, George Zachary […]