A Taste of Usability

Large parts of Bringing Design to Software are available online. Have a taste of this seminal book, especially […]

Large parts of Bringing Design to Software are available online. Have a taste of this seminal book, especially the interview on the conceptual model and the chapter on “Keepign it simple” then trot off to your local independant bookseller, or to amazon


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  1. 1

    Pity that the best chapter with Evans and Rheinfrank “Design Languages” isn’t one of the online ones. Evans and Rheinfrank went on to Scient, I think. Anyone know where they are now?

  2. 3

    Yes, but sometimes, dear Jesse, I link to old things to remind people of their value. This is a very old book, and it has a pretty old site, but it’s still very relevent.

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