Speaking CV

These are my public workshops and presentations. For reference for corporate events, please contact me.

Beyond OKRs: The Formula for High Performing Teams at Lean Product Meetup (video forthcoming)

Beyond OKRs: The Formula for High Performing Teams by Christina Wodtke

Thursday, Jun 15, 2017, 6:00 PM

2600 Marine Way Mountain View, CA

83 Members Went

***Please note our NEW location at Intuit for this event***RSVPing “yes” on Meetup will NOT reserve you a spot at this event. You must purchase your ticket for this event on Eventbrite: https://wodtke.eventbrite.comWe are excited to host design expert and author Christina Wodtke who will share her insights and advice on how to make your teams mo…

Check out this Meetup →


Design the Team You Need to Succeed at Mind the Product San Francisco 2017 pre-conference Leadership Event

https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mind-the-product-san-francisco-2017-pre-conference-leadership-event-tickets-32660543565# (no video)

Working with Story at True University (video forthcoming)

True University

Writing Your Own Story (facilitated session) at Overlap

overlap.in (no video)

Design the Team You Need to Succeed: Keynote at UXDC

Keynote: Design the Team You Need to Succeed

The Story of Leading Experience: In Four Parts


Workshop: Achieving Your Goals with OKRs

http://www.lxconference.com/workshops/achieving-your-goals-with-okrs (no video)

Workshop: Working with Pictures


World IA Day Mexico: Making the Complex Clear (remote, no video)


Interaction 17 Education Summit Closing Keynote: Teaching Game Design to teach Interaction Design


In Defense of Childish Things at UX Week 16

Design All the Things at UX Lausanne

Radical Focus (keynote) at UXI Live 2016 (UX ISRAEL)
Workshop: Design for Change

Radical Focus at UXLondon


Workshop: Design Thinking for Innovation at UXLondon

Working with Story and Designing for Change at ConveyUX

Christina Wodtke

Design of Everyday Games at GDC




Still more: http://eleganthack.com/category/speaking/