

Mobile Persuasion – Stanford University Check this out– I’ve long been a fan of B.J. Fogg’s work, and […]

I s RSS a bad idea?

Okay, admittedly I’m stirring the pot here, but I was just thinking: why do we care so much […]

tool from denmark

In the Denmark theme, I was clued into this awesome tool by Lars the GMail Drive shell extension. […]

Top 10

Matt writes “So what are your top 10 features for blog software?” It depends what you mean by […]

drupal is hard

drupal is not easy. Reading the forums reveals I am not alone. Reading this write up explains why. […]


from the facinating essay :: phpPatterns() – Templates and Template Engines “So your web designer decided for you […]


I’m installing drupal on widgetopia to prepare for a more group-blog experience. some weirdness may occur. nothing to […]

a virtual test lab

A friend recommends Browser Cam :: Browser screen captures in any browser, any version, any operating system.


From Yahoo! News – The Eight Biggest Tech Flops Ever “What distinguishes a simply bad product from the […]

useful tool

MT Extensions: MT-Medic 1.34 for those of you who don’t follow all the Mt activity that closely, do […]

3.0 is coming to town

Looks like I complained too soon… News announces that 3.0 will feature “Comment registration. As a response […]

the unsexy secret of broadband

From Yahoo! News – What, You Don’t Have Broadband Yet? “I’ve got a buddy who’s equally into high-tech […]

which one?

I’m wondering which RSS Reader I should adopt.


ieSpell – Spell Checker add-on for Internet Explorer “ieSpell is a free Internet Explorer browser extension that spell […]

i didn’t know that!

Don Norman on CHI-WEB “NOTE: bio-identifiers are still primitive. They don’t work for everyone. And several people have […]

The good, the bad and the cheap

Chris Macgregor’s Running from Bears Suggests that “with the release of Flash MX, Flash Remoting and the Flash […]

slower, slower!

the question du jour in the cube farm was how to do Dial Up Modem Simulation. Enjoy!

Coder’s Delight

I’ve always admired the brilliant ladies of otivo. Sitesleuth looks like another fine product from those fertile minds. […]

jumping boxes

Much like my homepage, Audi Redesigned uses information modules that rearrange themselves upon browser sizing. James asks if […]


I know inept hacks read this site (at least, until they realize it’s irrelevent…) This paper shows how […]

little blog icons

In this mornings email, a lovely link to this MT trick: Works in Progress – Blogdata. But I […]