
bunny– no, iceberg

I should tell you to rush over and read Joel on Software – The Iceberg Secret, Revealed because […]

technology for the people

Double issue of ALA, with a search engine in Perl, and a backward compatible stylesheet switcher. “So what?” […]

that bug, yah

A List Apart notes the IE6 scrolling bug that both ALA and the early MT templates were stricken […]

not ready for prime time

Usability News – UML is not ready for users, finds seminar “The Usability and UML seminar in Scotland […]


Rebecca sent an email to a list we’re on revealing “the most evil spam I’ve ever received” it’s […]

paper won’t sit still

it doesn’t have to look the samepromotes simpler design to compensate for more complex platforms.

a matter of semantics

from Technology Review – A Smarter Web “The idea is to weave a Web that not only links […]

A Taste of Usability

Large parts of Bringing Design to Software are available online. Have a taste of this seminal book, especially […]

well, it’s not!

For years now my sig line has been “It’s not paper.” We can’t design or architect for the […]

spel thes

PC911 – Friendly Computer Help In Plain English posts a useful hack to windows allowing you to add […]

Lick spam with stamp

STAMP – Secure, Template-Aware Mail Processor keeps spammers from harvesting your emal addresses.

craft does matter

I came across the PUBLISHERS’ PAGE OF SHAME which lists books that have fallen apart almost immediately upon […]

good tutorial

Functional Spec Tutorial :: What and Why “By creating a blueprint of the application first, time and productivity […]

movable feast

Morality may not be a movable feast, but thanks to ben and mena, I’ve been able to use […]

new and improved

I just tripped across movable type, and I think it has what I want in blog management system. […]

money on the barrelhead

Trouble on the horizon “The Siren Song of Patenting the Web’s Infrastructure” and Paying Royalties To Use CSS […]

ISP advice

Lou needs a new ISP. tell him what is right or wrong about yours. I also recommend if […]

games change you

How video games influenced the attack on America is an interesting article on how video games shape certain […]

f*ck art, lets program

I just was forwarded this old post: DaveNet : Gender balance in high tech featuring this sterling quote: […]

testing, testing

Matt sent me OTIVO’s automated test tools review a few days ago, but what with one thing and […]

understanding open source

Cam posted his talk “A Guide to Open Source Technologies for Project Mangers “ which is a nice […]

On my list for santa

USB Q Drives from Agate “the Q-Drive for Windows and Apple Mac – USB Storage from Agaté, a […]

p2p and agitprop

p2p weblogs If you deal with stylesheets a lot, you probably already know Agitprop, but if you are […]