Matt writes “So what are your top 10 features for blog software?”
It depends what you mean by that. The top ten are the minimum you need to blog:
- create an entry
- edit an entry
- delete an entry
- add picture or file to entry
- archive
- customize look and feel (skinning)
- categorize by topic
- syndicate
- search (for readers of blog)
- comments
(I may have missed some, as it’s easy to forget as one becomes acclimated to a system)
I suppose if you built this, you have a blogging system.
But next up is where it gets trickier. I’d list
- “blog this” functionality, via bookmarklette, toolbar or right click. (I’d love to see it included in snagit, but I might be alone in my interest)
- Search and replace
- Backup (i.e. import/export)
- Metadata editing (date, author, etc)
- Publish in future/set publishing dates
- Full design control over look/feel/items (including what does or doesn’t show up, and in what order it shows up, and in what groupings)
- Taxonomy management, including faceted and multi-hierarchal classification, as well as “easy” classifications like alpha-numeric. Descriptions, reparenting
- Photo albums
- upload full directory
- name album
- delete multiple
- rotate multiple
- caption multiple
- keyword/categorize multiple
- manage layout (row#, col#)
- ordering of pictures (#1, #2, etc)
- blog a single linked to album, or single
- choose “cover”
- Password protect albums on an album by album basis
- editing pictures (least important)
- crop
- B/w
- red-eye
- darken/lighten
obviously I’m thinking about albums a lot lately. most people don’t realize how managing multiples is critical.
- Workflow for zines (this would be longer than the photo-album subset. I’ll hold off for now in describing)
- Community moderation & reputation management
Boom, i’m out. There are so many things I could think of though
- design wizard (i’ll design it, if someone out there wants to build it)
- permissions on entries
- faceted filtering for search results
- mini subblogs for embedding in main blog, for music/booklist/blogroll
- easy installer with permission setting, etc
and more.
But these really depend on who the audience is… baby bloggers might be better off with easy install/design wizard than fancy taxonomy management and workflow. Zines can’t live without them.
So what are *yours*?