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I’m not sure why someone isn’t suing Lindows.com. Despite the incredibly derivative UI, I suspect they are on […]

I’m not sure why someone isn’t suing Lindows.com.

Despite the incredibly derivative UI, I suspect they are on to something. Click and run makes sense.

I’d like to try it out. I hear Kmart is selling computers for a couple hundred bucks with it installed….


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  1. 4
    Nadeem Bitar

    I do not recommend Lindows as a Linux distribution. I have tried about every Linux distribution and I have been a linux user for many years but Lindows is definitely a distribution to stay away from.
    Not secure everything run as root.
    Applications are all from click and run so you have to download them, most other disto include the majority on the CD.
    It is expensive. If a user wanted a similar user experience, actually better, they should look a Lycoris which cost only $29 and is downloadable.
    I personally use Redhat Linux and have been very happy with it.

  2. 5

    Christina, Apple lost it’s look-and-feel lawsuit against Microsoft. That’s a *good* thing. Can you imagine how much worse usability would be if systems couldn’t use similar widgets (related: Adobe/Macromedia software patent mess). The League for Programming Freedom has their thoughts on User Interface Copyright (also, see GCC docs) online.

    As far as the new desktop distributions, I personally prefer Lycoris, mostly because they’re much more community friendly. I haven’t run Lindows (it’s $100 to get a copy, Lycoris is a free d/l), but I’m assuming the root login can be fixed relatively easily. Click n’run might be expensive, but it’s fairly trivial to switch off of it as Lindows is Debian-based.

    # apt-get upgrade
    # apt-get install synaptic
    # synaptic

    Here’s a more detailed how-to.

    Even with the recent advances, and this is coming from a long time supporter, IMO Linux still has a ways to go before it’s ready for the general-purpose desktop.

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