
Researching Search

more outtakes from the 2nd edition of Blueprints, most likely destined for the long anticipated yet never begun […]

The Problem with the Cheaters

is the innocent get hurt. But we all knew that, didn’t we. Does it make it okay? Let’s […]

Spock is Dumb Again

Reading Astonishing! Spock, a New People-Search Engine, Thinks You’re a Pedophile I can only imagine that Spock is […]

There is no “search”

Often I get frustrated when people say “search” as if what google does and what they do for […]


Google Announces Plan To Destroy All Information It Can’t Index | The Onion – America’s Finest News Source […]

The two faces of Google

Reading Google Anything, So Long as It’s Not Google – New York Times I was impressed… for a […]

the future of vertical search.

Notes from the last panel of Vertical Leap Moderator barney pell, mayfield ofer ben-shacher, RawSugar julia komissarchik, Glenbrook […]

news/blog search

first more rules for vertical entrepreneurs rule 9 find your inner killer ap. understand the core problems and […]

travel search

Scott Jampol– travel search/farechase Some people are very interested in (misssed the rest) Vajid Jamfri — Cfares– huge, […]

local search panel notes

what is your vision for local search Paul Levin yahoo– yahoo’s vision is FUSE: find, use, share, expand […]

Vertical Search- Investment Panel

panelists mark kvamme – sequoia chris moore- redpoint theresia ranzetta – accel andrea stavropoulous – draper fisher mark, […]

At Vertical Leap

I’m at Vertical Leap, a great idea… hopefully a great conference. David Hills of LookSmart is speaking. I’ve […]


The problem with making stuff for the web is all things are temporal. This page I was once […]

one for the lazyweb

Seeing ResearchBuzz — Cookin’ With Google made me dream of an ironchef cook-off between yahoo and google….

Yahoo releases “SOUL SEARCH”

The Onion | The Onion | Yahoo Launches Soul-Search Engine “There are bound to be some bugs, but […]

nifty but no

A bit weary of the googlemania, I bagged on reading this issue of wired. But I finally took […]

visualize this

yahoo! vs. google is a very cool visualization tool to compare results. I think the addition of numbers […]

Y! search has a nifty thang

I’m kinda Ms. Super-biased on account of I used to work on Yahoo Search, and I still manage […]

Are they different?

Google – Yahoo Comparison: Compare Search Results looks like it to me.

search me

ongoing · On Search, the Series “series of essays on the construction, deployment and use of search technology […]

The Piper’s B*tch

From Google Fans Fill Web With Buzz Over IPO ( “As a public company, “if they are not […]


The new Yahoo! companion search tool bar thingie offers a bunch of stuff like pop-up blocking, search within […]