Just like the real thing, it’s kinda creepy

I got an invite to Spock, and they have a ways to go yet. The invitation and the […]

I got an invite to Spock, and they have a ways to go yet. The invitation and the site itself gives you no sense of who they are, but they feel very comfortable asking you for passwords to your linked in, myspace, friendster and email accounts. And then they do it again. and guess what, having put in my linked in password twice, they asked for it again.

Okay guys, first I don’t know you from adam, but thought I’d give you a try, and now you are proving insufficiently competent to keep that trust. Finally I run a search on my latest favorite author, Steven Gary Blank. No results. Search 101: there must always be results. At least roll over to Google guys, otherwise I need never. ever. never ever try you again.

Yeah it’s private beta, but if you want to bet with my passwords, my network of friends and my trust, you aren’t getting a second try. Go back and fix the messaging. Hire a writer.

They when you suck, at least you can show a cute cat and EXPLAIN what the heck is going on so I feel like giving you a second chance.

Results for “innovator.” Pretty funny.

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