visualize this

yahoo! vs. google is a very cool visualization tool to compare results. I think the addition of numbers […]

yahoo! vs. google is a very cool visualization tool to compare results. I think the addition of numbers or a bit of instruction would have been helpful, but once you get the concept, it’s sweet.

the two rows of dots represent websites in load order, left=#1. So you can easily spot divergence.

when you mouse over the dots, “touch the dots” is replaced with the URL for that position

here you can see a search for “information architecture” in which a webmonkey index page on design topics is #1 at google, while Yahoo’s #1 is jesse’s IA resources page. However, I wonder how accurate this is, since when I do the search a second time on google straight, the #1 is argus, then the webmonkey tutorial on IA, while yahoo shows jjg then argus. Maybe slow on the updates?
Still cool visualization idea.

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  1. 2
    hegemony rules

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    hegemony rules

    It’s the end of the quarter as we know it, and I feel…well…annoyed

    Item: I wonder if GWB will find Osama bin Laden just in time for the November elections. Item: You may not know this, but lots of animals inhabit the London Underground. (Thanks, xBlog!) Item: Graphically compare search results between Yahoo!…

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    experience curve

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    experience curve

    fun queries

    this is a fun little visualization tool I found via elegant hack, basically throw in a query and you get a visual representation of the top 100 results from google and yahoo. I did a search for “best search…

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    Even just within Google, the relative positions of the top results is in constant flux. Webmonkey, Argus and I take turns at #1 for “information architecture”. Not that I, uh, check or anything…

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    experience curve

    fun queries

    this is a fun little visualization tool I found via elegant hack, basically throw in a query and you get a visual representation of the top 100 results from google and yahoo. I did a search for “best search…

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    Reloade Journal

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    Reloade Journal

    Comparing Google and Yahoo search results

    I was reading Elegant Hack and I came across this interesting visualisation search engine which, compares the results of Google…

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