
bezos and mezos

from The Best Search Idea Since Google – How Amazon can make money from books you already own. […]

Shape Search

Cool new group, Yahoo! Groups : y-search-users, which includes the Yahoo! Search product and design teams.. come ask […]

at last

Yahoo! Search

Or what?

From SearchDay – To Or is Human – 9 April 2002 “Perhaps no other “advanced” search technique causes […]

not quite

Reading Wired 11.01: Google vs. Evil “Newbies flocked to the site, grateful for a simple search engine that […]

silly humans, search is for bits….

from O’Reilly Network: Google Needs People [Oct. 11, 2002] “Partly, we fear the truth. Google News will not […]

Search: less porn, more product!

Despite the lurid title, From E-sex to E-commerce: Web Search Changes is a really facinating read. User behavior […]

search me

my favorite search term from this week’s report “busines okupacion” Somebody clearly understands how I spell.


Better? maybe. Useful? maybe. Cool? yes. Boolistic

seek and you don’t find

It occurs to me that people coming here via search are not happy when they arrive. Some search […]

IA for search

want to know how to design information architecture for search? (via

control subject

Madman Madhu Menon gets to be Amazon’s guinea pig for a new search design. meanwhile, I’m still seeing […]

search interpreted

And that resource led me to The Lycos 50 with Aaron Schatz, which provided insightful interpretation of why […]

excellent resource!

What People Search For – Most Popular Keywords

Google indexes

NEWS & COMMENTARY Google indexes blogs to stay current. Forrester Research: Minitel to lose dominance in France “Forrester […]