nifty but no

A bit weary of the googlemania, I bagged on reading this issue of wired. But I finally took […]

A bit weary of the googlemania, I bagged on reading this issue of wired. But I finally took a look, and really enjoyed the google redesigns. They are fun.

They won’t work at all, of course, at least not as a main interface. The three laws of search design are speed speed and speed.

  • Actual speed. Every byte counts, and that means writing bad html with missing quotes. These designs add a lot of graphic overhead.
  • Perceived speed, which means css is inevitable. You want to control load order. Less relevant in these designs, since they aren’t coded up.
  • Cognitive speed. Every design in the article adds cognitive overload. The results are god; get everything that is not a result out of the way.

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