
My Year in Highlights

Here are this year’s highlights from my reading on the kindle. I find it interesting that I barely highlit […]

Designers and Doctors

Several years back, John Zapolski urged all the members of my design team to read Atul Gawnde’s essay […]

Tell Me a Story

Truth, naked and cold, had been turned away from every door in the village. Her nakedness frightened the […]

page numbers

This morning I found my Sandman Companion still open to the page I was on when I left […]

1/3 reviews

I’m still in a state of never reading just one book. In fact, I’m pretty sure except for […]


A while back I was reading Working Knowledge in which Davenport wrote “Intuition is compressed knowledge.” That phrase […]

Designing Motivation

Excerpt from Comic Wars, a book on Marvel Comic’s near bankruptcy and uncanny recovery: “[Jim] Shooter had a […]


Don’t Think of an Elephant: Know Your Values and Frame the Debate–The Essential Guide for Progressives It’s too […]

The Art of Branding

The Art of Branding is a simple slim book full of pictures and graphs that explains Brand creation […]

Origin of Things

Can a book be deeply flawed and still be worth having? The Origin of Things delights and disappoints […]

Make It Bigger

The book I’m foisting on my team these days is Paula Scher’s Make It Bigger. Make It Bigger […]

Persuasive Technology

Persuasive Technology is in turns fascinating and sinister. This book is a must for any designer working in […]

more comics

What do you do when you are working on a project that takes every ounce of your brainpower? […]

eat me….

Compelling story, beautiful illustration, skilled writing, puzzling ending… well worth a read or four: Murder Mysteries

Design of Sites

One of the books I used to dream of writing was “a pattern language for the web.” Well, […]

Rapid Reading

My latestest entry in the favorite slim book category is Rapid Problem Solving With Post-It Notes. While it […]

Sorting it out

Finally got around to finishing Sorting Things Out (thanks Caltrain!) and I have mixed feelings. It is desperately […]

Form follows content

Was updating my booklist, and came across this old letter that I had been given permission to post, […]

Poetics of space

Those who deal with metadata, and trying to decide an item’s true place in a hierarchy might consider […]

Designing Visual Interfaces

Michael B. Moore writes “A thin but very good primer on what makes good interfaces work. Even though […]