Google indexes blogs to stay current.
Forrester Research: Minitel to lose dominance in France
“Forrester predicts that the predominance of Minitel in France will
fade away over the next five years.” Now there’s a newflash….
Cyber Dialogue: Unsolicited email irks consumers
“Seventy-seven percent of US Internet users say their privacy is
invaded when they receive an unsolicited email from a company they do
not know, reports Cyber Dialogue.” and another newsflash….
Nielsen NetRatings: Banks spending heavily on online ads
“Three of the top five spenders on online advertising in the US in
June were financial services companies, according to
AdSpectrum.” maybe the standard should have gone to the banks?
The Industry Standard: Net population growth slows in US
“The growth of the US Internet population is slowing, reports The
Industry Standard.”
lots more good news at