If you don’t know what a heuristic is, it’s a short phrase that reminds you of a body […]
Heuristics for Living
Living Lean
If I were to explain Lean Startup as briefly as I’m able, I’d say it’s an approach where […]
A Theory About How to be Happy at Work
A Venn diagram of the three things that make me happy in my work. Perhaps you feel the […]
Writing Elsewhere on Other Things
I’ve been doing more personal writing lately, and trying out Medium. Some recent essays: You Are Bigger than […]
The Joy Protocol
“Optimize for joy” was the advice my friend gave me when I decided to leave the job that […]
How to Stop Procrastinating
Gotta ton of work to “just knock out?” Try these handy tips: Do not listen to the first […]
Personal OKRS
I am crazy about OKRS (Objectives and Key Results). I have been evangelizing this system of staying on […]
My Year of Living
As I’ve written before, instead of resolutions I usually pick a subject and spend the year studying it. […]
Give Up Your Resolutions
For the last five-some years, I’ve given up making New Year’s Resolutions. Instead I have what I call the New Year’s Project. Each year I pick a large topic, and spend my time on and off throughout the year teaching myself about it. One year it was futurism (an obvious topic, consider how many New Year’s predictions articles always get run). I read up on who were the leading futurists, joined a futurist group and went to their meetings, and worked on making predictions myself. I learned useful concepts like cone of uncertainty, and how to take the long view, and how to do scenario planning. But most importantly I learned we cannot know the future, and as we try to plan we must be always ready to shift. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t keep trying to plan; it just means maintaining a yogi-level flexibility.
This last year I decided beauty would be my project. Not art and architecture, which I have always appreciated, but traditional feminine beauty. I have always had an uneasy relationship with the ideals of feminine beauty– having been raised a feminist I suspected makeup and infrastructure garments were a tool of patriarchy to hobble us by taking away two hours of our life every morning. But hey, why not question my assumptions?
a makeover for eleganthack
My blog gets varying levels of love. Sometimes I’m posting all the time, sometimes a month or two […]
travels with amelie
IMG_2302, originally uploaded by Box and Arrow. Now it Italy, but had a brief stop for a birthday […]
First day of preschool!
First day of preschool!, originally uploaded by Box and Arrow. And at the end of her first week, […]
designers sure love numbers.
designers sure love numbers., originally uploaded by Box and Arrow.
One thing after another
My daughter was born a week after my grandfather’s second wife died. He said to me on the […]
IMG_1792, originally uploaded by Box and Arrow. Sometimes your heart isn’ t big enough to hold that much […]
Not so much silent, as talking about other things
I’m taking a food writing course, so much of my writing energy that isn’t taken up with LinkedIn […]
Plurk’s motivation
Plurk’s motivation, originally uploaded by Box and Arrow. I’m playing with Plurk, and while I find the UI […]
Amelie Vaudevillian
MVI_0965 Originally uploaded by Box and Arrow We celebrate flickr’s new video feature with Amelie’s debut as a […]
That’s motivating
That’s motivating, originally uploaded by Box and Arrow. No, that is not me. This definitely motivates me to […]
Amelie: faith healer
Hospital helper, originally uploaded by Box and Arrow. She climbs in my bed, demands getting under covers, steals […]
My sister-in-law just got cast in Play, by Samuel Beckett and sent me this fascinating short video of […]
You Weren’t Meant to Have a Boss
Paul Graham says The guys on the scavenger hunt looked like the programmers I was used to, but […]
Time to Paint the Ceiling
For those who do not follow me on twitter or see my statusi in their many locations, I […]
presentation zen makes slideshare less valuable?
I was just trolling through slideshare recent crop of social media themed slideshows, and I was amazed at […]
Many Eyes: My Recommendations on LinkedIN
Who am I? I pasted in my recommendations on Linkedin to find out.
keeping busy
IMG_4483, originally uploaded by philippesar. We’ve got her doing tech support.
The Path to Entrepreneurship – Sramana Mitra on Strategy What about working for a big company, they asked. […]
flickring ideas
, originally uploaded by Mike Monteiro. a brilliant series by Mike Monteiro….
List of cognitive biases – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cognitive Biases Dunning-Kruger effect — “…when people are incompetent in the strategies they adopt to achieve success and […]