From: Gleanings
To: flashaholics
Subject: Gleanings: I lied
Okay, I wasn’t going to glean today, but it was link-mania yesterday: the universe was conspiring to share interesting stuff with me, and how could I not share back with you-all?
Human Factors International Articles
ones I’m excited to read include: Managing Your Defense Against GUI’s from Hell, Pull Down Menus: Out of Sight, Out of Mind, Key Tips for User-Centered GUI Design and Icons: Much Ado about Something
Like to critique other people’s work?
Information Architecture, an electronic web guide
“How many times have you gone to a web site looking for specific information and you weren’t able to find it? Organizing informational content on a web site can be a very difficult and complicated endeavor, and most web developers lack the skills necessary to perform such tasks. Luckily, a new discipline is emerging in the web world that is tackling this very problem.It’s called Information Architecture. ”
How Architects Think
“The purpose of the experiment was to study the role and potential of mental
imagery in the architectural design process.”
Good site for learning the basics of web design and webmastering. Simple and friendly.
Barnes&Nobel University“It’s FREE – join today! Enter an online classroom now and learn everything you wish they’d taught in school. Live instructors and students are online now! ”
The Non-Verbal Web
“In preparation for a class I’m teaching this quarter on Interface Design, I re-read Norman’s The Design of Everyday Things (aka POET), which I am using as one of three pillars of the class.
I was struck (again) by the concept of perceived affordance. My communications background causes me to think of this as “the non-verbal language of objects” — it’s how I perceive the object’s mode of interaction. Whether my perception matches the design reality will determine my satisfaction. ”
Helping and Hindering User Involvement – A Tale of Everday Design
“This case study provides a detailed account of the obstacles and facilitators to user involvement that were identified during the design of a computer application. The factors that affected user involvement included contracting design services, selecting users, motivating users, facilitating and mediating meetings and offering points of focus for user contributions. ”
Bad Human Factors Designs
“A scrapbook of illustrated examples of things that are hard to use because they do not follow human factors principles. ”
my favorite
Greenfield Online: Consumers don’t want Net-enabled cars
“Consumers are far less interested in having email or music downloading
facilities in their cars than they are in having built-in systems to
deter thieves and sensors to alert them to hazards on the road.”
~~~ Unproductive email like “being killed by friendly fire”
“While lawmakers and company bosses are increasingly concerned about
the levels of spam email, a new study says that unproductive internal
emails take up 30 percent of employees’ time spent reading email.”
Netcraft: Domain name registration slumps
“New data from Netcraft shows that there has been a dramatic reduction
in new domain name registrations.”
SBC: DSL users just love their high-speed Net
Internet users with high-speed DSL connections at home say their DSL
link is an important household technology and would rather sacrifice
other media before they gave up their DSL.
MSNBC: Gadgets offering ‘convergence’ show whole can be less than sum of
parts. (via
It is an old story that keeps getting retold. Bewitched by the promise of “convergence” — the blending of communications, entertainment and computing — and galvanized by the Internet, engineers and marketers are dreaming up a new class of high-tech Swiss Army knives.
Guru: Engineers Won’t Design Next-Gen Systems
“It’s not you guys” who will build equipment and systems that are easy to use, said Norman, of the Nielsen Norman consultancy. “You’re the wrong people.” Instead, future systems will be designed “by psychologists and social scientists working in combination with engineers and technologists,” he said he predicted.
why are we glad flash exists? today’s apropos of nothing should prove the joy of the medium:
Kung-fu, stick figure style. it was just like the tavern scene in “crouching tiger, lousy title” except everyone is a stick figure.
this arrived with the subject heading”The latest demonstration of the power of the Internet…”
and in that same category of “because we can, we will”
I cannot recommend these two short flash works too highly. my jaw dropped onto the floor (esp.. the second) turn up the sound and enjoy.
kate points at the very goofy swedish fjallfil
she says “Have you run across in your travels? It seemed timely in light of a recent chi-web discussion about drag-n-drop interfaces (but since I’m fairly new to the list I felt a wee bit shy about submitting such a very silly site). enjoy. ”
no one should ever have anything against silly! (oh, and you can click over to English at the bottom)