
smart book, dumb design

Check it out: the fly-out menu uses transparency, which means you have this mishmash of type on type. […]

Not Science, but…?

from HCI as Science | unraveled “As the class identified, HCI has plenty of current phenomena, but due […]

error! or insult…

Love love love this error… I feel my heart filling with pity for this poor, innocent malformed request.

ROI and Design

A particularly good review in Boxes and Arrows this week, Report Review: Nielsen/Norman Group’s Usability Return on Investment […]


from’s html newsletter:

a reader writes…

A reader has a research opportunity for DMOZ/Open Directory Project users. If you regularly use DMOZ (this includes […]

Are guidelines useless?

Upon reading Employee Directory Search: Resolving Conflicting Usability Guidelines (Alertbox Feb. 2003) “In recent studies on how employees […]

easy or useless

Ziya points out – Alsop on Infotech – Hollywood’s Latest Flop “It’s clear that the studios’ motivation […]

he said dope heh heh heh

from since1968 :: Steve Krug Interview, upon being asked about so many quality websites coming from amateur enthusiasts […]


Jakob’s most recent In the Future, We’ll All Be Harry Potter (Alertbox Dec. 2002) is a pleasent little […]

watching the watchmen

NNGroup and Me : A Tale of Two Tickets illustrates that sometimes user-centered isn’t as important as customer-centered.


Universal Usability in Practice is a nice cheatsheet for figuring out how to design for different user types.

project continues

Zen Haiku: Password Previewing Tools version 2.2 is out. He continues to refine his tool for password choices. […]

amazon blows it

turns out’s wishlist address is not connnected to your address book, so when i updated my addressbook […]

stars and garters

One of my pet peeves is the little stars in password fields. As you all know, I am […]

yes and no

The flame bait of the moment, usability must die has a page on why AlertBox is nothing but […]

Watching the watchmen

CHI-WEB archives — September 2002, week 3 (#15) holds a wonderful post in which Manu Sharma takes apart […]

don wrote that

from CHI-WEB archives — August 2002, week 3 (#8) “People talk the way they talk. You can’t hold […]

the false dichotomy

On the off chance you haven’t read Emotion and Design please go do so now. The Don of […]

why oh why

Why is Delta Dental Plan of California such a bad site? Other than ugly, badly executed (check out […]

chasing ROI

Read Measuring the Value of Usability Engineering and consider the IA community’s latest obsession with ROI. I still […]

Statistics class

Now, god knows I can barely multiply and divide without resorting to toes or a calculator, but even […]

Oh Amazon, why so weird?

Today Amazon introduced the soon-to-be standard dancing tab with hairy feet. Yes, another exciting innovation that will spread […]

required reading

If you run usability tests, you need to read Usability Testing: You Get What You Pay For. I’m […]