Top Twenty Most Popular Posts of 2016

Meant to publish this in January, but it got lost in my drafts folder… ah well. Busy year already!

So OKRs were the star this year, unsurprisingly since I *did* wrote a book on them.  Story seems like the next hot topic, then presentation tips. I teach story each spring, and my thinking has evolved extensively on it as both a writer and as a product innovation consultant. It’s powerful.

2017 will be the year of drawing, I suspect…

  1. The Art of the OKR
  2. The Dreaded Weekly Status Email
  3. OKR Mistakes (and how to fix them)
  4. The Shape of Story
  5. Personal OKRS
  6. An OKR Worksheet
  7. Monday Commitments and Friday Wins
  8. Product as Hero Storyboard
  9. Your Portfolio Probably Sucks
  10. Cascading Your Objectives and Key Results
  11. Radical Focus is HERE
  12. Getting Started with OKRs
  13. GUEST POST: OKR for Agile Teams
  14. Tracking and Evaluating OKR
  15. The Myths of Product Management
  16. Why Use OKRs?
  17. The Secret to a Great Presentation
  18. A Syllabus for User Experience
  19. Tell Me a Little Bit About Yourself
  20. The Myths of UX Design/ Product Design/Whatever They Call It This Week