Meant to publish this in January, but it got lost in my drafts folder… ah well. Busy year already!
So OKRs were the star this year, unsurprisingly since I *did* wrote a book on them. Story seems like the next hot topic, then presentation tips. I teach story each spring, and my thinking has evolved extensively on it as both a writer and as a product innovation consultant. It’s powerful.
2017 will be the year of drawing, I suspect…
- The Art of the OKR
- The Dreaded Weekly Status Email
- OKR Mistakes (and how to fix them)
- The Shape of Story
- Personal OKRS
- An OKR Worksheet
- Monday Commitments and Friday Wins
- Product as Hero Storyboard
- Your Portfolio Probably Sucks
- Cascading Your Objectives and Key Results
- Radical Focus is HERE
- Getting Started with OKRs
- GUEST POST: OKR for Agile Teams
- Tracking and Evaluating OKR
- The Myths of Product Management
- Why Use OKRs?
- The Secret to a Great Presentation
- A Syllabus for User Experience
- Tell Me a Little Bit About Yourself
- The Myths of UX Design/ Product Design/Whatever They Call It This Week