more nothing about nothing

How saturday it all is. I’m on the couch, anti-ergo, and nick stellino is asking how to make […]

How saturday it all is. I’m on the couch, anti-ergo, and nick stellino is asking how to make shrimp happy. i don’t know, but I’ll guess it does not involve frying them in a cast iron skillet.

Erin and I were having dinner and talking B&A and we realized with Ryan’s retirement into the peace-and-quiet of occasional copyediting, it’s an almost all-girl crew over at B&A, with me as publisher, her as chief editor, and Brenda, Dorelle and Liz editing. Not to mention Jen, Emily and Laura copy-editing. Only brave Kirk, our stalwart technie who champions proper mark-up (coming in the new couple weeks– watch the code) represents the Y gene. I have no idea if it means anything. boys, girls, gurus, writers, humans… so what. but I like to think about it anyhow.

So erin and I are planning the next generation of B&A and are open to wishlists. What would you like to see next?


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