From: Gleanings
To: Fireballs
Subject: Gleanings: things that blow up in the night
How the heck did it get to be Friday already?
Yesterday two different people sent me two different images of a transportation device penetrating a building with flames erupting. I hesitate to guess what this might portend.
NY Times: Web Sites Begin to Self Organize.
The Vines is an example of an emerging class of what are called
self-organizing Web sites. Such sites are demonstrating that with a dab or two of well-written code and a bit of careful planning, a site can take a random collection of links or posts and turn them into a sophisticated,
adaptive system.
The experience of color
Multimedia/PowerPoint Survey
“Are computer-based multimedia presentations really more effective at
getting messages across than other tried-and-true media? Does the kind of presentation visuals you use matter? Do well-designed PowerPoint slides give you an edge over the competition? Does multimedia animation really communicate messages better than overhead slides or plain words on paper?”
Design Language
“Combining wisdom and wit, Tim McCreight’s Design Language dissects 100 design terms, including their etymologies, definitions and connotations.
Accompanied by specially commissioned illustrations (denoted with
asterisks), Design Language creates fascinating snapshots of the words
associated with the concepts and practices of design.”
Dot-Com Alternatives Pull the Plug
The deregulation of the energy industry was supposed to open the market, but ironically has had the opposite effect.
IBM Reports Solid Quarter
Apple Posts Loss
The Whole Business World Is Watching Microsoft
News.Com: AOL Time Warner plans to close Entertaindom.
Entertaindom was Time Warner’s first foray into creating a series of Web destinations, or hubs, focusing on specific topics. The hub strategy and the creation of Time Warner Digital Media were the company’s attempts to develop Internet businesses in the wake of its defunct Pathfinder site…
Internet World: From April 1, 2000; Deconstructing Peter Merholz and John Shiple.
How did they used to put it in the New Yorker? Oh yes…
Our design correspondent writes:
“hugh dubberly
i met him years ago when presenting the hr site for netscape to the vp of hr there, and he was in the room. he was such a p-rick and a whiny baby that i always used that experience as a boilerplate for the term ‘bitchy creative’.
however, he added a little quote in the GAIN issue i read (prompted by your email, as i’d forgotten about the launch of that magazine), and it’s pretty dead-on with how i feel about all this naming of titles and roles and IA/UE design stuff….
“Calling what we do ‘experience design’ is a questionable idea. First of all, it does not provide a good way of classifying design work. Second, it’s perhaps hyperventilating to claim experience as the special province of any branch of design. Good designers serve an audience. They make or plan things for people to use. That use is an experience. The design of a thing cannot easily be separated from the design of its use–the design of an experience. Architects are experience designers. Product designers are experience designers. Even graphic designers are experience designers. Experience is not unique to the design of Web pages–or even to the design of software.
I’m amazed and amused by the string of names associated with whatever it is we do and how they’ve evolved. IN high school I took Commercial Art classes.
By the time I reached college, Architecture had become Environmental Design and Commercial Art had become Communications Design. there were also such titles as Art Director and Creative Director in advertising, Type Designer, Graphic Artist, Graphic Designer. Henry Dreyfuss brought us Human Factors.
Ricky Wurman brought us Information Architecture. Multimedia became New Media. Human Factors became Usability. But that’s not quite the same as Interface Design, which became Interaction Design because the interface was but a membrane. Now Interaction Design has become part of Experience Design and UI has moved on to become UE. And now there’s ExMod–‘experience modeling.’ Recently I’ve heard people talking about digital design and information-product design. We change our names so much that it’s not surprising that many people don’t know what we do.”
amen, sister bitch!”
also, eric points to this interesting article-ette
After reading your bit about Navigation… His and Hers
Below is a comment I made on the same issue, diff article
Just thought i’d share.
Napkin Folding
“One of the graduation requirements at my high school was a 75-hour senior project on a topic of one’s choice. And so here is mine. I hardly recall spending an evening folding napkins in the middle of my senior year, but that’s beside the point. All the examples require well-starched napkins that can hold their shapes without wire support. That means no paper napkins, folks.”