Designing Web Usability

Designing Web Usability Should probably be required reading for anyone who does web design. Yes Jakob is didactic, […]

coverDesigning Web Usability Should probably be required reading for anyone who does web design. Yes Jakob is didactic, extreme and occasionally outdated. He’s also insightful, inspiring and holds us all to a higher standard. Anyone working in web design today should read him, if only to decide how you relate to him.

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  1. 1
    Susanna K. Hutcheson

    As a copywriter who writes copy for Web sites, I found this book absolutely fascinating and most helpful. I read Steve’s book too and thought it was great. But Nielson’s book is simply a must-read for anyone concerned with the usability of a Web site.

    I find it appalling that more copywriters who are hired to write web copy don’t take more interest in usability. And I also find it a bit appalling that more books don’t address the needs of the copywriter as well as the designer when it comes to usability.

    After all, it’s the words that do the selling job and that carry the heavy load.

    But I found a lot of meat in this book.

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