Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) are a powerful framework for achieving strategic goals. In practice, it can be hard to get your organization behind those goals. This article explores how we can leverage insights from persuasion science to significantly increase your chances of OKR success.
Ethical Influence, Not Manipulation
Now, before you envision manipulative tactics, let’s dispel that notion. Renowned psychologist Robert Cialdini wasn’t driven by a desire to control people. In fact, his fascination with persuasion stemmed from a desire to understand how people are influenced, ultimately empowering them to resist manipulation.
Cialdini’s groundbreaking book “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” identified six key principles. By ethically applying these principles, we can create a more engaging and motivating OKR environment, propelling your organization towards achieving its goals.
Cialdini’s Principles and the OKR Advantage
Cialdini’s principles tap into fundamental human psychology, influencing how we make decisions and take action. Let’s explore how each principle can be applied to strengthen your OKR implementation:
- Reciprocity: People feel obligated to return favors. Before diving into OKRs, ensure that a strong foundation of respect, fair compensation, and consistent recognition is in place. This fosters a sense of reciprocity – employees who feel valued are more likely to invest their best efforts. By aligning OKRs with opportunities for professional development and non-monetary team rewards upon completion, you can further amplify this effect, motivating employees to achieve ambitious goals alongside the company.
An aside: While individual rewards might seem enticing, they can backfire. They breed competition, not collaboration, and diminish intrinsic motivation. Focus on team recognition as a “thank you” for achieving shared goals. - Commitment and Consistency: We tend to follow through on commitments we’ve made publicly. Incorporate OKRs into metrics reviews and progress updates during team meetings. This public commitment creates a sense of accountability, keeping individuals focused on achieving their OKRs.
- Social Proof: People are influenced by the actions of others, especially those they perceive as similar to themselves. Showcase success stories of teams or individuals who have achieved similar OKRs in the past. When I worked at yahoo, I learned the the story you told about your success was as important as the win itself. Share metrics and celebrate milestones publicly to demonstrate the achievability of goals and inspire others.
- Liking: People are more likely to be persuaded by those they like and trust. Foster a collaborative environment where open communication and feedback are encouraged. Employees who genuinely like each other are more likely to go the extra mile for group success. Leaders who embody the company values and demonstrate genuine care for employee well-being will have a greater influence in motivating teams to achieve OKRs.
- Authority: People tend to defer to figures of authority. Leaders who set clear expectations and provide strategic guidance can significantly influence employee buy-in. However, avoid a purely top-down approach. Involve relevant teams in OKR discussions to leverage their expertise and foster a sense of ownership. If you are in a position of authority, it is just as effective to validate OKRs as set them. Trust you have hired well and let teams figure out where to put their attention.
- Scarcity: We value things that are perceived as rare or limited. While setting overly ambitious OKRs can be counterproductive, attaching a level of challenge can create a sense of urgency and motivate teams to push themselves further. Frame OKRs as opportunities to achieve something extraordinary, not just another set of routine tasks.
Using Influence for Effective Goal Setting
By applying Cialdini’s principles carefully, you can create a more persuasive OKR environment. When employees feel a sense of reciprocity, commitment, and social proof, they are more likely to be motivated and invested in achieving their OKRs. Leaders who establish themselves as trustworthy figures of authority and strategically leverage the power of scarcity can further amplify this effect.
Remember, OKRs are not simply a top-down directive; they are a collaborative goal-setting tool. By incorporating Cialdini’s influence strategies ethically, you can foster a culture of ownership, motivation, and success, ultimately propelling your organization towards achieving its ambitious goals.