Andrés Sulleiro writes
“I think there is a overall generalization that the US is ahead of other countries in regards to the Internet. It is true to some extent, but is usually gets carried over to all aspects of it. Now, granted that the US has been “at it” at a large scale longer, but most of the problems persist and countries elsewhere have been able to catch-up. Most of the IA’s that I know have evolved from other fields, but I can say that I’ve been doing IA related work for the past 3 years or so. Hell, I followed PM and LR’s book on “IA for the web” when redesigning an Intranet for a Spanish bank back in ’98.
I’ve talked quite a bit with some of my colleagues in Europe saying that “yea, ASIS&T is great, but we need something in Europe too.”
Have we outgrown ASIS&T? Perhaps. I still think we have a lot to benefit from it, however, some people say the SIGIA is too “librarian-centric”. I think there needs to be a more consolidated IA organization. Maybe an International IA organization with chapters all over the world.”
I quite agree. I’d love to see a more international look at Web Design in general, and Information Architecture in specific. The HCI folks had their summit in Amsterdamn last year– perhaps we should follow their lead.
Meanwhile, is it time for ISIS&T?