
Yo, My husband is in Denver, messing with x-ray diffraction people and calling me mopeily from his hotel […]


My husband is in Denver, messing with x-ray diffraction people and calling me mopeily from his hotel room at the end of the night which is gratifying. I like being the one he misses as his head hits the pillow.

Me, I’m trying to design. Kerning a line, messing with photoshop filters, scribbling madly on paper… all for my private pleasure. I forgot how fun it is to play. To design for joy, not for profit.

What else? I’m biking to work, still yoga’ing, and mentoring two junior interaction designers which is the best part of my job bar none. I think I should have been a teacher. I also do the rest of the management dance– resource, plan, project, powerpoint– not so much design. Unless designing a place where design can happen is design. Which we both know it is. Still, sometimes you just need to sharpen a pencil and make marks.

Lots going on rumble wise in the design world these days. Tog wants a new title, Mok wants the old one to mean something again. I used the opportunity to put my foot in my mouth and insulted Tog on the aifia members list (not purposely, of course, but foolishly and typical christina bull/chinashop fashion).

He answered– huffily at first, but I apologized and he could smell the teva on my breath and forgave me. We had a lively chat which continues still (I’ll let you know if anything interesting comes of it) and as the long suffering aifia board continues wishing they had a president who they could trust to speak without a scriptwriter, I’ve made a pal. I hope anyhow. Which is a bit confusing… I’ve written tons of nice stuff about Tog, but I had to be a stupid jerk in public to finally make contact? Gee, life is funny. I guess now I’ll have to insult Clemet.. Hey, Mok, your mother smells of elderberry!

Meanwhile discussion heats up over ROI on B&A and Julie ruins the Saute de Boeuf a la Bourguignonne… really too tragic.

OKay, I go bed now.