this is so cool.

Last night, as I arrived home weary and dejected, I spyed a strange package form my publisher. I […]

Last night, as I arrived home weary and dejected, I spyed a strange package form my publisher. I opened it and got a tremendous surprise: Информационная архитектура: чертежи для сайта. Пер. с англ. My book in russian. I keep saying “this is so cool” over and over again– I can’t tell you how cool it feels. I think it feels better than when the english edition came out. I was too tired from the struggle then– now I can be giddy and joyful. and I am.


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  1. 3

    Congratulations! Side comment: it looks like your pages’ character set is incorrectly set: on IE 6 I had to manually set my browser to parse your HTML as UTF-8 in order for the russian glyphs to display correcty.

  2. 4
    Peter A. Shevtsov

    Congratulations! I’ve just looked through the Table of Contents – this is such a book which every clever Russian web-developer desire to own. There are not so many good books about web-design in Russian (or translated into Russian). So we’re lucky to have one more! Thank you very much for your god work! Good luck!

  3. 6

    to write another book, i’ll have to leave Yahoo, and get permission to be a troll from my husband. it’s hard work, to write a book, but it seems to be harder work to be married to a writer!

    I have two books I would love to do– maybe next year?

  4. 9

    I spent so much money on books that I can’t afford buying another one without reading some excerpt first. Amazon doesn ‘t allow that. Any way to see online a table/summary of contents and one full chapter (provided the book has several chapters of course: say alternatively at least 10 pages).

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