
Don’t Listen to Your Users

via IT conversations Malcolm explores why we can’t trust people’s opinions — because we don’t have the language […]

Conventional Stupidity

Diet and Fat: A Severe Case of Mistaken Consensus – New York Times If the second person isn’t […]

search this!

from California legislator moves to block Gmail – News – ZDNet “A California state senator said Monday she […]


from Boxes and Arrows: Deliverables and Methods: Special Deliverable #8 Client: I want tabs across the top of […]

say vs. do

A CHI-WEB post pointed at the Customer Experience workshop notes, written up by Kevin Doohan. Lots of great […]


Location, Path & Attribute Breadcrumbs was Keith Instone’s poster at ASIS&T’s IA summit. If you dont’ mind holding […]

sleep on it

Listen to To the Best of Our Knowledge – Sweet Dreams, Sleepless Nights — Bob Stickgold’s experiments with […]

cracking books

Low-Tech Research in a High-Tech World a gentle and sensible introduction to old fashioned research. We are not […]

ethonographic adventure

Consuming Rituals of the Suburban Tribe takes us on an anthropological adventure into the exotic land of the […]

who innovates for you?

The Intel Lookout Rethinking Corporate Research: Why does the world’s biggest chip maker outsource so much research? Old […]

online banking grows

Gomez Advisors: Online banking increasingly popular in US “There are 13.6 million US Internet users that actively use […]

privacy in danger

‘Web Bugs’ Are Tracking Use of Internet “Many people who have personal Web pages are unknowingly tracking people […]

geek feed

HCI Resources: Bibliographies and Publications

trust me

Kristiina Karvonen has written several papers on creating trust in cyberspace from an HCI viewpoint. check it out!

long long is too long

Was pointed to this article by the CHI-WEB list: Text and Margin Width Influences which helps sort out […]

trust me, trust me

the infamous and hard to find cheskin-studio archtype study on trust. print it out for it goes they […]