I wasn’t going to glean today; I’ve got so much work to do BUT the universe has sent […]

I wasn’t going to glean today; I’ve got so much work to do BUT the universe has sent me some interesting stuff, so I share with you!

I’m mad about Ada, btw…

Ada Lovelace, Countess of Controversy

“Augusta Ada Byron King, Countess of Lovelace, is something of a giant in the world of technology. The daughter of celebrated poet Lord Byron, Lovelace was a Victorian society hostess, the mother of three, and a mathematician widely credited as being the world’s first computer programmer.”

Was Ada Really the First Programmer?

“In the notes, which ended up being three times longer than the original Menabrea paper, Ada outlined how the Analytical Engine might have worked had it ever been built. She explained how the Bernoulli numbers, a complex numerical system first described by 18th century Swiss mathematician Jakob Bernoulli, might be broken down into simple formulas that could be coded as instructions for the machine. Perhaps more importantly, her poetic prowess endowed Babbage’s dry technical details with grandeur. ”

I’ve been reading the book on her, “The Bride of Science: Romance, Reason, and Byron’s Daughter” and highly recommend it.