married to a mad scientist

My husband just drove up to the house, ran in, demanded a magnet and a flashlight, then ran […]

My husband just drove up to the house, ran in, demanded a magnet and a flashlight, then ran out again and drove away.

If I live to be a thousand….


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  1. 5

    A real scientist wouldn’t have bothered to ask for a magnet. Instead, he would’ve simply taken the flashlight along with some copper wire from his stash (all good scientists keep a stash of copper wire). Then, if he needed a magnet, he would’ve made one.

  2. 6

    it can be told:

    He was going to look at an old alpha, and italian cars areknown to rust. He brought the flashlight to look at the underbelly, and the magnet to check for bondo (the magnet will stick to the metal body, but not the plastic bondo)

    You can sleep peacefully tonight.

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