is wiki really a group effort?

I think a good wiki has to have a champion. Wikis may support multiple authors, but someone has […]

I think a good wiki has to have a champion. Wikis may support multiple authors, but someone has to put in the initial work of putting up enough content to make it worthwhile to add to, and then keep the stray additions in line, make sure the whole thing makes sense.

Easy Topic Maps is such a wiki. It’s interesting, well organized and laid out, and full of good info.


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  1. 1

    Thank you for the compliment! I’ll sound mushy now but things like that really make me feel good.

    Which makes me think of a feature request: maybe a checkbox “for Christina’s eye’s only” with the commenting would be nice… (and: a “what’s this” link next to the Forget personal information link? I can ask right? 🙂

  2. 2

    the best way to get something to christina is to email me using one of the feedback forrms… perhaps I need one on the individual entry pages too?

    I’ve been considering changing “forget my information” to “I’m not blah” like most pages do… the only reason I didn’t do it in the first place is my javascript skills suck.

    It’s a new feature cribbed from fooljay, and I’m still tweakign it. But now that I’m requiring email addresses, i feel I really ought to provide it.

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