though I suspect the overhead of running Yahoo Photos isn’t that back-breaking to recently beleaguered Yahoo, I understand the wisdom of not supporting two competing photo sites. What I’m impressed by is this fine deal they made with their rivals, allowing folks who aren’t quite ready for a 2.0 world to retire their personal works to the secluded safety of a private family photo sharing site. Bravo, Yahoo. You could have dumped us all in Flickr, but ya did the right thing.
I tried moving my photos too ALL the services, out fo curiosity,a nd found that I was able to, with a little back-buttoning.
Flickr did the right thing by respecting that not everyone is ready to make their entire life public
This is just a little note to say hi, and to confirm that
you’ve decided to move all your photos from Yahoo! Photos
to Flickr. This is fabulous!It could take a little while for the import process to
finish, so when it’s finished we’ll send you another email
to let you know.We’ve marked all your photos from Yahoo! as private,
because we didn’t want to assume that you’re comfortable
with making everything public until you’ve had a chance to
look things over. If you’re happy to make things public,
we’ve written a one-time batch tool you can use to set your
photos public (or for friends or family) all at once.We’ll be in touch again soon to let you know it’s all done.
In the mean time, why not explore Flickr?, The Flickreenos
Compare this note to the Shutterfly note
Thanks for selecting Shutterfly
We are now transferring your pictures from Yahoo! Photos to Shutterfly and will send you another email when all of your pictures have been uploaded.
Bleah. Brand, much?
Snapfish provided a server error, Kodak couldn’t find my old account (I suspect they closed it, and I didn’t want to sign up again because I seem to remember they spam you every five seconds.
Photo bucket insulted me:
Gender? Required? BITE ME. Worse, a full birthday was required as well, not just proof I was over 13. And after that, my photos were not moved over, even when I tried a second time. Buh-Bye photobucket. Buh-bye, chance to get a ton of users from curious Yahoos.
Anyhow, irrespective of expected confusion between multiple service sign-ins, which all photo sites except Flickr had to suffer from (sign up/sign in, etc), Flickr still provided the most pleasant, the most positive experience. Yahoo was twice a mensch today. They did the right thing AND they did it well.