“A guy friend was speaking at a conference recently, and there wasn’t a single female speaker,” she said. When she criticized that, he e-mailed her, “You sound cranky. Are you having your period?”
She feels that women were finally making headway, and then Web 2.0 rolled around, “and all the chicks disappear.”
This amazes me and annoys me. I know I should be as proud as Donna at the summit’s 33% chick number, but I want 50% and I want it yesterday. I bet over 50% of IA’s are women. I know over 50% of internet users are. I also know other net professions are guy heavy and that’ll be reflected onward in tech conferences until that number changes.
Nonetheless, I’d like to offer my services right now as token chick on any tech panel, anywhere. I can speak on topics wide ranging from search to community design, and I always poke holes in sacred cows and sometimes I even curse and mock mac users. I’m a fine addition to any panel.