good article on job hunting

Joel on Software – Getting Your Résumé Read is just right on. Very smart article on how to […]

Joel on Software – Getting Your Résumé Read is just right on. Very smart article on how to actually get to the interview. And very true for the hiring I’m working on at Yahoo! You would not believe what a short time we spend on each resume– there are just too many of them. So it is critical to make the resume look perfect for the job you are applying for.

On the other hand, unlike Joel, I don’t mind if you ask if I Yahoo!


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  1. 1

    Right on throughout most of the article. I did, though, find it ironic that, in a diatribe against bad proofreading and bad grammar, he writes this:
    “Proofread everything a hundred times and have one other person proofread it. Someone who got really good grades in English.”
    Uh…when I last checked, a sentence needs to contain a subject (even if implied) and a verb. The second phrase isn’t a sentence, but a sentence fragment. If he wanted it to be read as following the previous sentence as an intensifier, he should have included an ellipsis: “Proofread everything a hundred times and have one other person proofread it…someone who got really good grades in English.”

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