From: Gleanings
To: labor day demons
Subject: gleanings: laboring on labor day
collection of readings on ethnography and experience design
Slashdot: Copyrights on Web Interfaces
Cool Web Design offers inspiration to web designers by featuring “best of” websites in many common categories.
hey! Linking against the law? I think we are going to see a lot more of this…
from Tomalak:
Washington Post: ‘Opting In’: A Privacy Paradox.
It’s one of the more puzzling conundrums of online life. While companies that
capitalize on the Internet’s powerful potential to invade privacy are
denounced as villains of the information age, millions of people type out
highly personal data and send it off to Web sites they’ve barely heard of…
PC World: Is Eudora Snooping on You?
That’s the situation we currently find with the Eudora 4.3 e-mail client. And
while the company that makes the program, Qualcomm, says no “personal
information” is being sent to their servers, data is being sent from the
program to a Qualcomm server, and most users probably don’t know it.
and.. I never thought anyone would have anything nice to say about, but…
NewMedia: Inside Edge.
This is a true quantum shift, for although it’s one thing to just-in-time
design and manufacture a computer through Dell, it’s quite another when a
company such as P&G mounts the wave. They’ve recognized that new product and
service lines…
The Race to Be Wired
By Dale Buss
In a century-long rivalry’s latest chapter, Ford and GM each want to
claim the mantle of world’s most Net-savvy automaker.
fun variation on the old meyer-briggs test