enterprise 2.0
old business processes/tools allow management impose their will on company
enterprise 2.0 is the use of emerging social software platforms within companies, or between companies and their partners or customers.
- wikis
- blogs
- SNs
- predictive markets
Importance of enterprise 2.0
Technology and approaches are novel
Offer more than incremental improvements
- innovation
- collaboration
- knowledge sharing
- collective intelligence
- search and discovery
Who’s pursuing 2.0?
google, avenue a/razorfish, mckinsey, lockheed, US intelligence, BT, fidelity, IBM
Underlying Trends
1. social software
2. network effects
3. free and easy platforms for communication
4. Lack of upfront structure
5. mechanisms to let structure emerge
Channels and platforms
- email = channel
- point to point
- invisible to others
- can’t be consulted
- website = Platform (old school)
- universal
- visible
- consultable
- blog=free, easy platform
- no $, expertise required
- also wikis, facebook, flickr, youtube
enterprise IT loves structure
how does IT bring structure to work?
- Roles, identity, privileges
- Workflow, process steps
- Dataformats, required content
Why is choosing no structure (or emerging) valuable
Newpedia: tried to do the same thing as wikipedia first, but had a 7 step workflow, as an author you had to be credentialed… Jimmy Wales was afraid to submit. Newpedia got closed down with about 25 articles.
Delicious and tags
Tags were not from a dropdown, not from a controlled vocabularly. Things like enterprise 2,0 show up as well as enterprise 2.0… delicious doesn’t try to keep you from screwing up upfront. And users are tolerant.
Mechanisms to let structures emerge.
They used to say, the internet is the biggest library in the world, the problem is all the books are on the floor. Search used to be hard.
Google changed the rules by realized the web had structure, but it was not apparent, it was in the links.
Delicious tags… when you see a tag cloud, you see that others are tagging similarly, and if you can tolerate a little slop (blog and blogs) you get the value of the collective wisdom and the emergent structure.
Flickr clusters allows types of images be collected i.e. boston creates an architecture cluster, a red sox cluster, then boston terrier cluster, and then lousy winter weather cluster
The potential benefits of Enterprise 2.0
A Knowledge worker’s benefits
(read strength of weak ties)
Teams with weakties get more done, weak ties get you jobs. etc.
Prototypical tools: strong ties
- Wiki
- Productivity, agility, responsiveness
Example: intellepedia: what happened at a crash,
Protypical tools: weak ties
- Social networking software (facebook)
Prototypical tool: potential ties
- Blogosphere
- Innovation, serendipity
- Bridging
Idea sharing at Intrawest
They build resorts in northern California and Canada. For some reason, they decided they should have internal blogs. Shown was an example of how to save a 500K on install, and here is a comment on how it can be done…. That blogging tool did not cost 500K to roll out.
Avenue A | razorfish
Used mediawiki
Wiki, blog, but also flickr, dig, and delicious … tags of AARF get called in to the intranet
(see his blog)
Ppl thought it was intel, but AARF didn’t.. they said, it would be a shame if our competitors discovered we like starbucks.
Prototypical tool: no ties
Iowa’s prediction market is better than any of the professional polls consistently.
Collective and convergence: Hollywood stock exchange
A professional said no one can tell you how well a movie will do, but the crowd does.
(prospect theory) we overweight the incumbent by a factor of 3, and underweight the replacement by a factor of 3, so it has to be 10 times better or it’ll be a niche technology.
- enterprise 2.0 is going to increase difference between companies
- willingness to embark
- responsiveness
- knowledge capture and sharing
- collective intelligence