bad UI and politicsIt’s a

bad UI and politics It’s a story Tufte would love: due to a badly designed ballot, voters in […]

bad UI and politics

It’s a story Tufte would love: due to a badly designed ballot, voters in Palm Beach Claim they accidentally voted for the wrong man, and are suing the government for a revote.
The ballot is definitely confusing, with the correct hole to punch being the third, despite the fact that democrats are listed second. The other piece of evidence is the remarkably large turnout for Buchanan (the beneficiary of the error) in palm beach, which has been described thusly "one report has it filled with elderly Jewish Democrats, another, with jet-setters and blacks, with the black precincts furnishing Pat’s votes. Take your pick, but none of these groups are Pat voters"1

photo of palm beach ballot chart showing extremely high numbers of votes for patsy where the goober ballot was used
Could this bad user interface… have caused this spike in Buchanan votes?

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