amazon does it again

While shopping for a birthday gift for a birthday i missed (dang!) I tripped over‘s new product […]

While shopping for a birthday gift for a birthday i missed (dang!) I tripped over‘s new product page. They now have tabs within tabs– these new tabs are more like lenses, allowing different ways to view the product– read reviews, peek in side, find items like it, etc. It’s remarkably pleasent, and cleans up the page quite a bit. I wish yahoo would take a hint and do somethign aobut their tangled mess…. evolution is fine, but every so often you do have to take a leap forward….


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  1. 2

    The duel pitching of products has bugged me to no end. The book I am interested is matched with another book for a *special* price. The layout of the information sucked, as it was not easily discernable which information when with which book. They also broke the flow of information about the book I would be interested in and separated the published date and number of pages from the top information regarding the book. I could not do a quick scan to find the information I really was interested in.

  2. 5
    dan hill

    and most of the ‘amazon data-types’ are still on the initial page at a glance, but in a way they’ve *relagated* both customer lists, and ‘the page you made’ – which i think is the smartest thing they do – though does anyone know the rationale for them not collating the data over time, rather than just over the recent clicks? storage/processing issues? security issues? or something more interesting?

  3. 6

    A big part of design is knowing what _not_ to include, and I think, from an armchair usability standpoint, that Amazon is quickly hitting the limits of information someone would want to see about a book.

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