a new comment on table manners just makes me very very sad.
I feel for my husband… he’s not a Chirac fan. I know when I went to Europe at the time of the first Bush, people would ask me why my president did what he did. I’m sure if I went now, I’d get the same. I never know what to say– and neither does Philippe.
When I was much younger I used to joke that I hated the French, because everyone needs to have an other to hate, and the french already hated everyone so they wouldn’t mind. I didn’t really hate them, though I did view them with suspicion. I couldn’t really believe that no one is Paris understood me when I asked “ooo-ay lee sally de bane.” They must be messing with my head– everyone knows how stuck up they are.
I’m sad to think that the behavior I forgave in Spain I was agreved by in France. We have a lot of hang-ups about French people. They stink, they eat everything disgusting, they chase our women, drench themselves in colognes and chain smoke… do we still think of Irish as lazy? Polish as dumb?
Then, fate begin as she is, I fell in love with a Frenchman, met his friends and family and discovered the French are… well, humans. Smart, dumb, shy, brave, proud, humble and so on. Maybe a few more proud than humble, but still… they could claim the same of us. What is patriotism but pride?
Hate for the French as a people is racism. Let’s not pussyfoot around it. And if you have ever had a president you didn’t agree with, reconsider your attitudes toward the French people. You can hate Chirac or love him, but don’t hold him against the French people. He got a barely higher percentage of votes in his country than our president did here.
Hate the politics, love the people, hope the future will be a bit saner….