Reading Wired 11.01: Google vs. Evil
“Newbies flocked to the site, grateful for a simple search engine that was both powerful and intuitive. More sophisticated techies came to appreciate Google’s computational elegance and its willingness to shun the “portal” model that crammed ecommerce down their throats.”
What’s funny is everything I know (I do have access to some research data most folks don’t) says the opposite. Early google users were hardcore techies who wanted nothing but undecorated data. Later on the newbies started coming, as the early-adoption “taste-makers” such as slash-dot got the word out, and the general media picked it up and spread the knowledge google existed to newbies.
I hate it when the news presents what appears like a logical conclusion as fact.
As for the rest of the article, it’s really very interesting. I love and admire google– they not only power Yahoo, but they are our competitor and thus inspire us to innovate (and interesting conudrum, the in-bed-with-the-enemy syndrome). They also make a lot of good fun stuff. But “Don’t be evil” is overly simplistic attitude. some things are easy to recognize as evil, such as a KKK site. But if you censor those sites, then you keep people from being able to research them to form arguments against their ideology. Is censorship evil, making google evil when they stop evil things? Good and evil are for first graders. Grown-up life is far more complex.