Talk of the Nation

NPR : Talk of the Nation for February 1, 2002 “Why is your car easier to operate than […]

NPR : Talk of the Nation for February 1, 2002

“Why is your car easier to operate than the average VCR? Did you buy your computer — or your toaster — because of the way it looks or the way it works? Join us in this hour for a look at the design of everyday things. From paper clips to toasters, to cars and computers… what makes something user friendly. ”

Listen to Don Norman and Michael Graves explain it all…

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  1. 1

    I never thought of Graves as much of a usability-oriented designer, but he must be doing something right to have designed half of Target’s stuff (the stuff that they’re selling by the jillion).

    This should be an interesting pair-off: Norman’s been harumphing almost as much as Raskin has lately, except for his dumb-ass comments about the new iMac (“I searched it thoroughly and studied it carefully looking for problems or flaws…I couldn’t find anything.” Wow, a perfect product…the invisible computer at last?)

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