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  1. 1

    This whistling guy anoys you or makes you smile ?

    Monday he makes me smile because it sounds like a typical sergio leone’s style of communication. But tuesday it makes me upset just for the same reason…

    About ytumamatambien.com, that tittle remains me bad time like Orwell’s nightmare or chinese cutural revolution : kids get crazy and denounce their own parents. System has been stronger than everything.

    For this case study, i guess there are solutions. First introspecting soul, behavior and capacities to forgive (another word for compromise, no ?).

  2. 2

    This whistling guy anoys you or makes you smile ?

    Monday he makes me smile because it sounds like a typical sergio leone’s style of communication. But tuesday it makes me upset just for the same reason…

    About ytumamatambien.com, that tittle remains me bad time like Orwell’s nightmare or chinese cutural revolution : kids get crazy and denounce their own parents. System has been stronger than everything.

    For this case study, i guess there are solutions. First introspecting soul, behavior and capacities to forgive (another word for compromise, no ?).

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