Since I started blogging and speaking about OKRs and how to use them, it’s been clear that OKRs are not enough. It’s important to set them correctly, sure, but also to keep them alive via commitment meetings & celebrations and even good status emails. In other words, it’s not one technique, it’s a methodology.
While I’m admittedly suspicious of methodologies, I think this one is really good. I’ve even adopted it to run my personal life.
If I were to sum it up succinctly, I’d say
- Have a mission for your existence
- Set an inspirational goal
- Define metrics so you know if you’ve met that goal
- Commit to steps toward that goal each Monday
- Track what keeps your from achieving those tasks
- Celebrate each Friday what you have accomplished
- Learn from wins and misses, and keep aiming higher and higher
So… if I have a methodology, shouldn’t it have a name? Because a) OKRs is not only a lame name, but it doesn’t capture the process and b) it’d be helpful to talk about the system succinctly.
I’ve been asking around, and I’ve gotten some suggestions. I like Pulse, Fit (Focused, iterative, triumphant) and Summiting… but wonder what you don’t like about these or if there is something better? I’d like it to be one word, and sit easily next to Lean and Agile.
Please help out in the comments! thank you thank you!