type, patterns and data

Typographic Voices (via xblog.com) “Perhaps because of the emphasis on images in design, more and more designers are […]

Typographic Voices (via xblog.com)

“Perhaps because of the emphasis on images in design, more and more

designers are returning to typography as a means to make their work stand


Hypermedia Design Patterns Repository

“HPR is an initiative of ACM-SIGWEB in collaboration with the University of Italian Switzerland.

Its goal is to allow a larger community to reuse design experience gathered by other designers of hypermedia and Web applications and systems, by providing useful Design Patterns.”

Visualizing Information (Examples)

“We live in a datastorm, amid dense flurries of information. Hence the great challenge of contemporary information design: to create displays capable of presenting highly complicated data in precise, functional, relatively easy-to-use, and aesthetically pleasing forms.”

Noel’s looking for Open Here: The Art of Instructional Design, by Paul Mijksenaar.