it was all a mythtake

Finally, someone steps up to debunk The Myth of “Seven, Plus or Minus 2”. If there is one […]

Finally, someone steps up to debunk The Myth of “Seven, Plus or Minus 2”.

If there is one rule that has been consistently misunderstood and misapplied…..


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  1. 1

    i can’t make head nor tail of where i might make this comment under the new ‘organization’ of ehack, but i think you’re falling prey to the ‘when all you’ve got is a hammer’ problem. yeah moveable type does neat stuff with categories and soforth, but you have so many they’re staggering, not helpful. abstract up a level or two. and i miss the ‘blog’ link or whatever it was. trying to find out what you’ve been posting. perhaps your other colleagues love this new design, but i think its even more confusing and difficult to navigate than the old one.


  2. 2
    Eric Scheid

    The “blog” link is still there, but Christina has renamed it to “Gleanings” … is it time for Jakob to step in and say the link text should be “blog”, just like he says site maps should be linked as “site map” ?

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