
Long story. 9th inning hassels. But. I’m looking for people to be personas in my book. If you […]

Long story. 9th inning hassels.


I’m looking for people to be personas in my book. If you are willing to lend yoru face to a good cause for free, please drop me an email. I’ll need a high-resolution headshot, preferably casual/snapshotlike.

Other free things I’d love to find: people’s IA diagrams, someone who might want to do some illustrations/cartoons, and photographs of a few key items.

I’m personally not making much on this book other than new wrinkles, so i can’t offer cash. i can offer free copies of the damn thing, and a chance at extremely limited fame (hey mom, I’m in a book!)


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  1. 1
    Alexey Petrovsky

    Photo like this?

    … just come to your site and look it inside out.

    Come here in strange path: looking at my web site logs, discovered, enjoyed the site and navigation (not a product, *sigh*), used GoogleScout.

    And I am here, sending you my photo. I can scan it with good scanner at good resolution.

    Anyway, I am very interested in IA topic, so I have to bookmark your site anyway.

  2. 4

    I love! seeing my readers! That picture is very wonderful, and I’d love to use it. C’mon, adam and ralph, I’ve see you, you’d make great personas…. and how about you other kids? It’ll be fun!

  3. 5
    Sean Regan

    I can help if you’re still looking for another persona volunteer.
    I can’t find your email though on the site so you’ll have to send one to me (via the contact details on my website if needed).

  4. 8

    I published some pictures related to usability, including high res versions, for exactly cases like this.

    I personally especially like the one at the bottom of the page. Come to think of it, I might want to use it in my own book 🙂 If you want to use any of them just let me know. Hope the book is coming along well, and looking forward to reading it! When will it be published?

  5. 10

    I spent an hour or so today looking for a head shot of myself for you, which made me realize that the funny thing about being the family photographer is that all the pictures I have are of other people. 🙂

    When do you need these by?

  6. 12

    Thanks all!

    Book should be out in october, barr any unfortunate incidents. I’ve written most of you all back privately, but I really appreciate all the help you’ve offfered! And again, if you want to send me stuff, do so to christina at this site… If I dont’ write back, it’s because I’ve just changed computers and something has gone astray. So I’m not beign rude. Please sent again.


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