George told me I had been mentioned on FuckedWeblog. Well, I didn’t find an entry on my little blog, but the idea made me cross my eyes a couple times–
I leave the country fairly often, I always come back, and sometimes I even blog from France. It comes from having a French husband who hasn’t immigrated yet. And having a highly developed sense of wanderlust. Plus I’m part of a small company during a struggling time, and starting to do the conference circuit and contemplating doing some writing that is longer than a paragraph… but that doesn’t mean the blog is dead.
Oh no! Sometimes I am consumed with the desire to say very little, and where better to publish thoughtlets but on a blog?. That won’t stop! But write everyday? What am I? The SF Chronical? (look the quality of that rag…) I’ll write when I can, as well as I can manage, and hopefully someone out there will be entertained or informed. That’s the nature of Bloginess.
Anyhow, for the remarkably long list of retiring blogs out there I give you all the very fine advice Peter gave me when I started up the elegantblog: “You don’t have to write every day.”
Voila, you’re free! Write when you feel like it.