Hello? Human here!

George told me I had been mentioned on FuckedWeblog. Well, I didn’t find an entry on my little […]

George told me I had been mentioned on FuckedWeblog. Well, I didn’t find an entry on my little blog, but the idea made me cross my eyes a couple times–

I leave the country fairly often, I always come back, and sometimes I even blog from France. It comes from having a French husband who hasn’t immigrated yet. And having a highly developed sense of wanderlust. Plus I’m part of a small company during a struggling time, and starting to do the conference circuit and contemplating doing some writing that is longer than a paragraph… but that doesn’t mean the blog is dead.

Oh no! Sometimes I am consumed with the desire to say very little, and where better to publish thoughtlets but on a blog?. That won’t stop! But write everyday? What am I? The SF Chronical? (look the quality of that rag…) I’ll write when I can, as well as I can manage, and hopefully someone out there will be entertained or informed. That’s the nature of Bloginess.

Anyhow, for the remarkably long list of retiring blogs out there I give you all the very fine advice Peter gave me when I started up the elegantblog: “You don’t have to write every day.”

Voila, you’re free! Write when you feel like it.


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  1. 2

    No that’s not true either. As soon as EH went back up, it was taken off. The link was sent to me by three individuals, one of which gave me some really bad info.

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