feeling skeptical
just tripped over this excellent article, The Skeptical Internet User Does Not Search. Although I don’t love the name, I have definitely observed this type of user many times.
If I was channeling this user, I’d say “The internet is a hassle to use, and though there is good stuff out there, but most of the time it’s just to hard to locate. I’ve found a few sites that really meet most of my needs (usually my brother sends them to me. search engines suck.).
I won’t stop using my favorites until they let me down… but then I will, because there are plenty more that are waiting to fill my needs…”
They find their favorite sites through recommendations of friends and family. They are loyal out of laziness, and any big redesign could sever that loyalty. They believe in the promise of the net, but they are only too aware of the reality.
Which is a few treasures tucked in a mountain of trash.