I have a little list of websites I dream about fixing. The top two are:
1. Netflix: Everything that is wrong with them is stuff I love and understand: their IA is horrible, and the interaction desing for the queue is a really attractive problem of scaling design.
2. Via Michelin: A wonderful print product that hasn’t quite figured out the web. It could be the single resource for European travel.
Both are sites whose product I love, and whose problems seem more than skin deep: from a glance I’d say both are free from interface politics and have excellent visual desingers, and are missing the IA/ID understanding.
Wells Fargo just came off the list (it’s gotten way better in the last few years), Travelocity is on the maybe pile (it does show signs of interface politics), almost all wine sites are definates (’cause the are both cute and broken and sell stuff I like), and as temptingly broken as the Sprint website is, I fear it. The interface politics look like chasms as big as the grand canyon.
What broken experience would you love to fix?